The Next Election is May 9, 2015:
Some Cities, School Districts and Other Entities
Candidate Listings will be posted on our Local Races page at a later date.
May 9th Election Schedule |
Ballot By Mail Applications Accepted:
March 10 - April 30, 2015 |
Last Day to Register to Vote:
April 9, 2015 |
Early Voting:
April 27 - May 5, 2015
Galveston County Early Voting Locations and Times (check back) |
Election Day:
May 9, 2015: 7am until 7pm
Galveston County Election Day Polling Places (check back)
Find Your Voting Precinct Number |
NOTE: Texas now requires voters to present an approved photo ID at the polls.
Visit VoteTexas.gov for a list of acceptable forms of identification.
For a list of candidates with their web links as well as other issues on the current ballots,
visit our Local Races and Statewide Races pages.
Visit the Resources page of this website for information regarding voting locations, voter registration and
general election information, as well as current city, county, state and school district officials.
For links to local political parties and organizations that have web sites including Democrat, Republican,
Green, Reform, Tea Party and other groups, visit Political Groups.
This site is a project of Right On The Money. We have built this site as a resource for the voters of
Brazoria County, Texas. We do not endorse any candidates, and are not responsible for the information provided by any of the linked candidates, groups or organizations. This site is for informational purposes only. Please contact
the candidates or political groups directly with any questions you may have for them. Candidate Profiles and Banner Ads that appear on this site were provided and paid for by the candidates or other organizations and do not represent an endorsement from us.
The links we have provided on this site are those that we have found through search engines. If you are a candidate or a local political organization, and would like your link added, please email us. Thank you.

